Research Highlights 2014

I. Book series European Administrative Governance by Palgrave Macmillan

In cooperation with Palgrave Macmillan, one of the leading academic publishers of books on European integration, Thomas Christiansen and Sophie Vanhoonacker have launched a book series and constantly invites proposals for authored or edited books in the area of ‘European Administrative Governance’. This series is open both to theoretically-oriented as well as more empirically-informed studies. Following the publication of the first book in the series in 2013 (Dijkstra on ‘Policymaking in EU Security and Defence’), 4 new titles have been added in 2014:

  • The Field of Eurocracy, Didier Georgakis & Jay Rowell (eds.)

  • The Politics of Information, Tannelie Blom and Sophie Vanhoonacker (eds.)

  • Regulating Banks in Central and Eastern Europe, Aneta Spendzharova

  • The Palgrave Handbook of the European Administrative System, Michael Bauer & Jarle Trondal (eds.)

You can read more about this book series here

Cover 'The Politics of Information. The Case of the European Union' Cover 'Regulating Banks in Central and Eastern Europe. Through Crisis and Boom'


II. Studying the Potential for Security Cooperation between the EU and China

The research group on EU-China Security Cooperation (EUSC) is a project funded by the EU’s Jean Monnet project and led from Essex University (UK), involving Maastricht University as well as the University of Macau, the National University of Singapore, Fudan University (Shanghai) and Renmin University of China (Beijing). It brings together some 25 scholars analysing the opportunities and challenges for cooperation between the EU and China across a range of traditional and non-traditional security dimensions. During 2014, two international conferences were organised - in April at the UM Campus in Brussels and in October in Beijing – in order to present draft papers and provide feedback to the authors. The project will led to an edited volume with a leading academic publisher and an series of policy papers published on the project website.

Europe workshop organised by MCEG, 2-3 April, Campus Brussels